Step 5 - Establishing Communication Between TeleTracker Online and Quickbooks

  1. Launch QuickBooks and open your company file.

  2. Launch TeleTracker Online and log in.

  3. From the View menu, choose Preferences.

  4. Click the ‘Global Preferences’ button at the top of the Preferences screen.

  5. Choose QuickBooks as the product.

  6. Enter your company’s QuickBooks directory path location in the ‘Accounting File’ field.

  7. Click the ‘Test Connection’ button located in the upper right-hand side of the Global Preferences screen.  At this point, you will receive a QuickBooks ‘Application with no Certificate’ message box.  This message is prompting you to permit QuickBooks to communicate with TeleTracker Online.  Click the ‘Yes, Always’ button to permit QuickBooks to communicate with TeleTracker Online.   

  8. Click the ‘Yes’ button to confirm.  ***TeleTracker Online is certified as a Premier Intuit Developer within their network.  As such, we are authorized by Intuit to interface QuickBooks data with TeleTracker Online.  Our Digital Certificate is forthcoming ***



  1. At this point, you will receive a TeleTracker Online message indicating that the ‘Connection to QuickBooks succeeded’.  Click the ‘OK’ button in this message box

  2. Click the ‘OK’ button of the Global Preferences screen.

  3. Close the Preferences screen.