Step 9 - Finishing Up!


Congratulations! You have successfully completed the initial synchronization of your TeleTracker Online database with your QuickBooks company file.  We would like to thank you for taking the time to follow these steps and invite you to refer back to them often during future synchronizing sessions.  From this point forward, you can analyze and synchronize each interface items all at once. Whenever you synchronize, please consider that there are various ‘timeout’ values throughout TeleTracker Online.  In order to avoid ‘timing out’ while synchronizing TeleTracker Online and QuickBooks, we recommend synchronizing your data in SMALLER BATCHES, ideally on a daily basis.  However, if you cannot synchronize on a daily basis, we strongly urge you to limit the amount of data per batch by simply utilizing the ‘Cutoff Date’ field in the ‘Synchronize with QuickBooks’ screen.