Auto Provider Reconciliation               



Data Compare: NOT MATCHED - Step 6





Click the button.  This button will show all Activations where both the Phone # and Amount DO NOT match.


Click the button if the phone # specified in TeleTracker Online needs to be modified.





Modify the Phone # as needed.



Click the button once all necessary phone #'s have been edited.  TeleTracker Online will attempt to re-match all of the edited phone #'s.  Complete matches will be place in the Matched button.  Phone # matches will be placed in the Cellular Matched button.  Activations that do not match anything, will again be placed in the Not Matched button.  



Continue to Data Compare: RECONCILED - Step 7




--  Wizard: Column Identifier and Import - Step 1  --  Wizard: Column Selections and Verification - Step 2  --

--  Match with TeleTracker Online - Step 3  --  Data Compare: MATCHED - Step 4  --  Data Compare: CELLULAR MATCHED - Step 5  --

--  Data Compare: NOT MATCHED - Step 6  --  Data Compare: RECONCILED - Step 7  --  View Reconciled and Save Transactions - Step 8  --

--  Open Existing Auto Recon Transactions  --