Auto Provider Reconciliation               



Data Compare: RECONCILED - Step 7




Click the button.  These Activations have been marked as Reconciled.  This was achieved by clicking the commit button on the Matched and Cellular Matched buttons.  Only Activations marked with a Reconcile checkmark will have moved to the Reconciled button.


If the need arises in the future, you may un-reconciled an Activation within the Manual Reconciliation process.


Highlight a specific Activation Record in the top window pane, and detailed TeleTracker Online Activation Information will be presented to you in the lower window pane.


Once all appropriate Activations have been committed, and the Activations within the Reconciled button have been verified, close the Data Compare Window.



Continue to View Reconciled and Save Transaction - Step 8




--  Wizard: Column Identifier and Import - Step 1  --  Wizard: Column Selections and Verification - Step 2  --

--  Match with TeleTracker Online - Step 3  --  Data Compare: MATCHED - Step 4  --  Data Compare: CELLULAR MATCHED - Step 5  --

--  Data Compare: NOT MATCHED - Step 6  --  Data Compare: RECONCILED - Step 7  --  View Reconciled and Save Transaction - Step 8  --

--  Open Existing Auto Recon Transactions  --